Hello and Welcome!

Hello and welcome to my blog! It's a place I write about computer science education and what it's like to be a professor.

My name is Kristin Stephens-Martinez, and I am an Assistant Professor of the Practice at Duke University in the Computer Science Department. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science at UC Berkeley. My Master's research work, also at UC Berkeley, is in computer networking with Vern Paxson. My research interest lies at the intersection of education and computer science focusing on using data available in large classrooms (both local and MOOCs), and I was advised by Armando Fox. I used to sit in the Berkeley institute of design (BiD) lab.

My specific research interest is on inspecting data from classrooms to find interpretable data-driven insights that help instructors find ways to improve their course material. My most recent work was a qualitative analysis on constructed response wrong answers from "What would Python display?" question sets. I then used quantitative approaches to identify common student errors and deliver guidance based on these errors to students in situ. I am currently figuring out this whole professor thing and what my next research steps will be.

I am also in the process of producing The CS-Ed Podcast, sponsored by a SIGCSE Special Projects Grant. Learn more by visiting the podcast's Facebook Page or Twitter account @csedpodcast.


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